$379.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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[USD] The Styling Masterclass - 3 Monthly Payments

If you want to take advantage of 3 monthly payments of $USD379, enrol in The Styling Masterclass now and pay as you go.

Option to purchase in USDAUDGBPEUR or CAD. Please note local taxes and fees may apply.


You can never learn too much. Even as a stylist myself, I wanted to improve my skills and learn from someone with more experience and Natalie’s course was perfect for me. The notes each week covered each topic in detail and the videos were helpful in seeing the process coming together. I thank Natalie for her feedback, as I learned so many things during this process. I look forward to working on my own styling jobs and seeing how differently I now do things after completing Natalie’s course.

— Jacinda, Hide & Sleep Interiors, Australia